What is the best way to keep up with innovation, new products and new legislation affecting your industry? For us it is the exchange of ideas we find in our associations, not to mention that we find there the contacts we often need to research techniques, talk shop, share issues, etc. At Vulcan Painters, we share our own innovations as well through these groups, by presenting papers, giving workshops and serving on committees that set industry standards. The following are some of the associations we belong to:

Associated Builders and Contractors

NACE International

The Society for Protective Coatings

Alabama Associated General Contractors

AMPP (Association for Materials Protection and Performance)

ASTM International

ICRI Concrete Repair

American Subcontractors Association of Alabama

Porcelain Enamel

American Society for Quality

American Subcontractors Association of Alabama

International Association of Painters and Allied Trades

Finishing Contractors Association

Water Environment Federation

National Hydropower Association