At Vulcan Painters, safety is our most important core value. Vulcan Painters strives to conduct its work processes so that employees have a work environment that is safe and healthy, and we continually strive to improve our safety performance to meet our customers’ safety requirements and our own.
Updated 2021: Vulcan Named 2020 top 3 Finalist in Award for Safest Finishing Companies by FCA . Learn more here!
To do this we have a safety program that has the commitment of both management and employees. We have a full-time director of Safety, Training and Leadership Development who keeps us on track. We measure our safety goals and make changes as needed. As an ISO 9001 certified company we have procedures in place to ensure that our painters work safely. Our safety program includes a safety council made up of employees of the divisions, so that the safety concerns of employees and possible solutions re brought to the attention of management, and changes are communicated back to employees. Incentives help foster the safety culture, which makes everyone responsible for the safety of others on their job site.
Training is the cornerstone of our safety goals—our goal is 100% of our employees trained to work safely on the job. We use both extensive in‑house training, and skill and career development courses from leading trade organizations; the Finishing Trades Institute (FTI) of the International Union of Painters and Allied Trades (IUPAT), SSPC—The Society for Protective Coatings, and NACE International.
Our workforce is trained as required by the work that the employee does, whether that is as a shop painter, forklift driver, field painter or supervisor. Employees complete safety training required by regulatory standards, and have refresher training every year.
We believe a trained workforce is a safer workforce. In addition to their union training, we encourage our painters to study for and complete training for the Coatings Application Specialist (CAS) exam and become certified CAS painters.