Vulcan Painters Wins BUILDSouth Safety Award
Vulcan Painters won a BUILDSOUTH SAFETY AWARD AT THE Alabama Associated General Contractors’ awards gala Thursday Jan. 16. The dinner also celebrated the association’s 100th anniversary. The safety awards went to three companies in Alabama for their outstanding efforts toward creating and maintaining a safe work environment. The Alabama AGC recognizes those members who have achieved an overall zero incidence rate or an incidence rate of 25% or more below the overall division incidence rate based on numbers taken from the OSHA 300 log for 2018.
Vulcan Painters has a full-time director of training, safety and leadership development, Joe Singerhouse, who designed and monitors the program at Vulcan Painters’ plant facilities and field projects. The program incentivizes workers to look out of each other, whether it is correcting a fellow employee who is not wearing complete Person Protective Equipment or warning a coworker of heavy machinery nearby. Ultimately the program fosters responsibility for safety in the worker by encouraging employees to speak up and remind each other of safety practices. We are honored by this recognition of our safety program

Vulcan Painters BUILDSouth Safety award recipients smile and pose for a picture.