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Our Industrial Painting Portfolio

Vintage Army Tanks

Project:  Organize a group of contractors to paint 7 Historic U.S. Army tanks and armored vehicles.

Scope:  Vulcan Painters CEO David Boyd organized five additional painting contractors and 12 suppliers who donated materials, to paint seven historic United States Army tanks and armored vehicles. The project benefitted the National Armor and Cavalry Heritage Foundation (NACHF). The NACHF positioned the finished tanks on a walking path at Patton’s Park, near the site where the future Armor and Cavalry Museum will be built at Ft. Benning, GA.  Patton’s Park was dedicated on Veterans' Day 2014.

The project started in late July 2014 with Vulcan Painters erecting two containments on the site of the Ft. Benning Museum Restoration Shop. Painting started the last week of July, with contractors rotating in and out of the site, and all seven tanks were finished by Sept. 1. Vulcan Painters CEO David Boyd estimated the cost of the donated materials and labor at $150,000.

The future museum will house the Army's immense collection of armor and cavalry vehicles, smaller artifacts, and records dating back 200 years. The NACHF has a multiphase plan to build the museum, expected to cost $50 million, through fundraising from private donors. The Armor collection was brought to Ft. Benning from Ft. Knox through the Department of Defense's Base Realignment and Closing (BRAC) program. The collection had outgrown its previous home at the Patton Museum at Ft. Knox.

Awards:  Vulcan Painters Inc. was recognized with a Military Coatings Project Award of Excellence by SSPC —The Society for Protective Coatings.